Mutually Beneficial Relationships

One Tree sees its stakeholders as individuals, groups or organisations that can affect or be affected by our actions, objectives and policies. Our stakeholders include parents, children, direct service users [clients], sponsors, funders, employees, creditors, communities and suppliers.

In relation to our clients and other stakeholders, One Tree will:

  1. Endeavour to continuously improve our service delivery, systems and processes to support good practice and service provision.
  2. Respond to stakeholder complaints systematically and with the view to finding a win-win solution wherever possible.
  3. Engage with those that demonstrate like principles [i.e. timely responses, on time payment of accounts, respectful communication].
  4. Participate in collaborative, mutually beneficial relationships that foster positive outcomes.
  5. Enter into relationships only with those that demonstrate transparent, honest communication where service delivery or business could be affected.
  6. Acknowledge that our approach to service delivery or business practice may not meet all our stakeholder expectations and although reasonable effort will be made to resolve issues, once it becomes clear that a resolution will not be found, either party can cease the relationship and require that the other party seek services elsewhere.
  7. Promote reasonable expectation.
  8. Value diversity and equality.