Safety of Children
As an organisation and as individuals working with children we acknowledge the unique position of trust and influence we are in. One Tree believes that services inclusive of children must be acutely aware of children’s safety and wellbeing. One Tree is committed to reducing any opportunity for abuse or harm occurring to children and in promoting the safety of children across our organisation and in the broader community. It is the responsibility of everyone associated with the organisation to be accountable for their behaviour in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children.
10 DO’S – In relation to the safety of children One Tree will:
- Listen and respond to the concerns of children.
- Act as quickly as possible to ensure the safety of children.
- Be vigilant and proactive with regards to the safety of children.
- Provide age appropriate and adequate supervision at all times.
- Ensure physical environments are safe and secure and can accommodate children that are known to be at a higher risk, before they are included.
- Ensure staff are in the right state of mind (and health) to be able to focus on the safety and wellbeing of children, seeking assistance from the organisation when not.
- Report any allegations or concerns of child abuse or other child safety concerns to leadership.
- Promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of all children.
- Check and follow organisational policy and procedure related to the safety and wellbeing
of children. - Promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all children.
10 DON’TS – In relation to the safety of children One Tree will not:
- Ignore or minimise children’s concerns or requests for assistance.
- Engage in any form of inappropriate behaviour or language towards children or expose children to such behaviour or language.
- Take or publish images of children in any forum without parent consent and the organisations full knowledge.
- Post online or disclose any information about children that may identify them.
- Neglect to check and ensure that physical environments are safe and secure for children.
- Allow children to leave the premises unsupervised.
- Use physical means, corporal punishment or isolation to discipline or control children.
- Express personal views or discriminate against children or anyone based on culture, race, ethnicity, disability or sexuality.
- Engage in inappropriate or unnecessary physical conduct or behaviours, including doing things of a personal nature that children can do for themselves (i.e. toileting or changing clothes).
- Neglect to check or follow organisational policy or procedure related to the safety and wellbeing of children.